Vision Pro Online Simulators and Emulators

From all the Vision Pro simulators and emulators, we have listed the best Vision Pro simulators and emulators with notable experience to offer.

Some methods require additional hardware like Meta Quest Pro VR headset to experience the visionOS features and Vision Pro capabilities while some visionOS simulators are hardware independant and accessible for everyone.

The visionOS simulator online tools provide you with a unique experience, bringing the power of visionOS right to your fingertips. They are graphical representations of the original visionOS, although they may not offer all the functionalities of the original system.

While different from virtual machines, these simulators and emulators serve a vital purpose, allowing you to explore and interact with visionOS in ways you never thought possible. Here, we've reviewed and compiled a list of the best visionOS simulators and emulators to help you choose the perfect one for your needs, bringing the world of Vision Pro closer than ever before.

01. SimuOS Online visionOS Simulator and Emulator Collection.

visionOS Simulator and Emulator Collection

visionOS Simulator is your gateway to experiencing the incredible Apple Vision Pro, even without owning the device. It's an online tool that allows you to explore the unique features and functionalities of the Apple Vision Pro through your web browser. Whether you're curious about its advanced camera or innovative controls, this simulator lets you try it all. You can access it easily without any downloads, and it works on all major operating systems and web browsers, making it accessible to users worldwide. Simply get access with your email address and dive into the future of computing with SimuOS VisionOS Simulator.

SimuOS offers both VisionPro simulator and macOS simulators to experience online through the private collection built for you. Just enter your email address and log into the dashboard to feel the incredible simulators and emulators.

02. Max Thomas's Quest Pro visionOS Simulator

Max Thomas's Quest

Max Thomas, a passionate enthusiast, took on a fascinating challenge: he made Apple's visionOS simulator work with the Quest Pro VR headset. Here's what he achieved: He managed to display the visionOS simulator in 3D on the Quest Pro, using a regular USB cable to connect them. He tweaked the Quest Link software to make it compatible with a Mac.

Here you can experience the Vision Pro simulator offered for Apple registered developers. Max built a bridge between the developer simulator and Quest Pro where he was able to project the developer simulator into Quest Pro via a Mac.

Although it works, Max admitted it's a bit of a messy setup with occasional juddering. Right now, it doesn't support controlling with your hands or eyes, and it shows the virtual living room from the visionOS simulator provided by Apple, not your actual one.

03. Zhuowei Zhang's ALVR-Powered VisionOS Simulator

Zhuowei Zhang's ALVR-Powered VisionOS Simulator

Software developer Zhuowei Zhang built upon Max Thomas's efforts and achieved further advancements with the visionOS simulator: Zhuowei successfully enabled the visionOS simulator to run wirelessly by utilizing ALVR, an open-source alternative to Meta's Air Link and Virtual Desktop. This wireless approach is expected to offer smoother performance compared to the previous setup involving a USB cable.

However, similar to Max's setup, it also lacks support for controlling the simulator using your hands or eyes and continues to display the virtual living room from the visionOS simulator. Zhuowei's upcoming plans involve integrating the Quest's passthrough, hand tracking, and eye tracking features to enhance the simulator's capabilities.

04. Chance Miller (Supernova)


Supernova Technologies offers a budget-friendly version of "visionOS" for virtual reality headsets. It showcases the Nova interface framework for Unity developers and designers. This demo displays the app grid from the Vision Pro introduction video against Quest Pro's background, utilizing eye tracking and hand gestures for interaction.

Keep in mind that this knockoff visionOS won't work on Quest 2 or the upcoming Quest 3, as it relies on Quest Pro's unique hardware features, like eye tracking. So, if you don't own a Quest Pro already, it might not be worth buying one just for this demo, as using controllers for gestures may not fully replicate the experience.

05. ThrillSeeker


Introducing another intriguing visionOS emulator designed to operate seamlessly on the Quest Pro headset. This emulator has been thoughtfully crafted to harness the Quest Pro's eye tracking and hand tracking capabilities. However, there's a unique twist – users will need to make hand gestures within the headset's view for it to function correctly. This requirement arises because the Quest Pro lacks a downward-facing camera to capture gestures without user input.

Limitations and Capabilities

It is important to know that the VisionOS simulator is a simulator, not an actual Vision Pro device. As such, there are certain limitations and capabilities to keep in mind. While you experience the user interface and feature updates of VisionOS some functionalities like software installation and system configurations will be limited. These are some of the features that may be restricted in VisionOS simulators.

These limitations may differ for each Vision Pro simulator according to the simulator or emulator type and development method.

  • Advanced developments
  • Gesture Controls
  • Optic ID
  • Software Installation
  • Depth Experience
  • Eye tracking

visionOS Simulators vs visionOS Emulators

When we're working with the Apple Vision Pro, we often hear about simulators and emulators. These are important tools for creating and testing apps. But what's the real difference between them, and how do they help ? In this comparison, we'll make it clear and simple. We'll explore simulators and emulators for Vision Pro, showing you what sets them apart. Whether you're designing interfaces or checking how things work, this guide will help you understand the two tools in an easy way.

Simulators & Emulators Comparision