Install EonHub Online

EonHub is an online store for installing Hackd games / modified games, and tweak applications. At this time, EonHub is the best alternative for Jailbreak App stores such as Sileo / Cydia and Zebra.

You can install the EonHub Tweak Store online from the Xookz App Store.

The EonHub is currently the best alternative method for iOS 17.4-17 Jailbreak.

How to install EonHub?

The EonHub is not an IPA-based method. So you can install it without any third-party application support such as TrollStore / AltStore.

Tap the above install button from the Mobile Safari and follow the on-screen instructions to download for iPhone.

Why EonHub?

There are many reasons to launch EonHub to the iPhone jailbreak community.

Still, there is no full ( Untethered / Semi-untethered ) jailbreak solution for the latest iOS versions and iPhone devices.

The Palera1n jailbreak still does not support to the latest iPhone 15 / iPhone 14 models. But EonHub supports all the latest iOS versions and iPhone models.

As you know you cannot install Tweak apps / Modified apps / Hack apps from the Apple App Store. But, you can install any type of Apple-restricted app from the EonHub.

Features of EonHub

There is no revoke issue on the EonHub Store. You can install IPA from the EonHub for free. Also, you can install it without a PC or sideloading method.

Available latest jailbreak tools online version. You can install Unc0ver / Taurine / Odyssey tools online ( without IPA sideload )

You can uninstall EonHub anytime without an iPhone OS upgrade or restore method. Just go to iPhone settings and remove the app.

EonHub and other stores

The EonHub is not the only Tweak store to install tweak applications. If you are not satisfied with the store, you can install other tweak app stores like tuTuBox / TuTuApp / AppVally / TweakBox and many more.